The goal of the Foundation’s investment policy is to generate funds for the Foundation’s activities, that is, to ensure the capability of distributing grants and prizes in the long term. As stated in the Foundation’s rules and the foundation law, the Foundation’s asset management is systematic.
The Board of Trustees accepts the investment policy each year.
The Chairman, the Executive Director and two other Board members of the Foundation form the Financial Committee. The Committee plans and executes the asset management and investments according to the policies set by the Board of Trustees. The Board is informed of the development of assets.
The Executive Director, Arto Mäenmaa, prepares presentations concerning financials for the Board and the Financial Committee and is responsible for the execution of financial decisions.
Asset allocation
The Foundation’s assets have been diversified to control financial risks. The Foundation has a long-term perspective on the development of its assets, which makes it possible for the Foundation to distribute grants and prizes despite short-term changes in asset valuation. Sufficient and steady cash flow is necessary for grant making that the Foundation practices.
By the end of 2020the Foundation’s assets were allocated as follows:
- 58% in stocks,
- 10% in real estate,
- 13% from fixed income
- and 19% of other financial instruments.
The fair value of the Foundation’s assets was 510 million euros and book value was 280 million euros. The Foundation also owns 22,4% of the shares of Wihuri Oy and Wihuri Packaging Oy (not listed companies).