
Please note that our office is closed 15.-26.7.2024

Jenny ja Antti Wihurin rahasto
Kalliolinnantie 4
00140 Helsinki

Open mon-fri 9.00—16.00

phone + 358 9 4542400

Office staff


Arto Mäenmaa
Executive Director
+358 (0)9 4542 4010

Jukka Lehmusvirta
Real Estate Manager
+358 (0)9 4542 4020
+358  (0)40 758 5513

Eija Pitkänen
Grant and Real Estate Coordinator
+358 (0)9 4542 4050

Sari Ulfstedt
Assistant to Executive Director & Art Collection Coordinator
+358 (0)50 544 9218

Mervi Kauko
+358 (0)9 4542 4040

Heini Huhtinen
Communications Specialist
+358 44 7914526


Executive Director Arto Mäenmaa

M.Sc. Economics, EMBA, Arto Mäenmaa started as the Executive Director of the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation in 1998. He is in charge of finances and grant making of the Wihuri Foundation.

He is also executive director of the Wihuri Foundation for International Prizes and the CEO of Helsinki School of Economics Foundation.

Arto Mäenmaa is a member of various boards of trustees of financial and philantrophic institutes in Finland.