

Grant call 2024 – what happens next?

During the summer, various experts have assessed the applications submitted during the Wihuri Foundation’s May grant call. Applicants will be notified of the grant decision in late September.

The Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation’s general grant call 2024 was organized 9.5.–31.5.2024. During the application period, we received 5,485 applications, and the total amount of grants requested was approximately 144 million euros.

In June, all applications were checked at the foundation’s office to ensure they were classified in the appropriate category. This is to ensure that the application is evaluated by the expert most suited to the field.

The applications were then forwarded to experts who have reviewed them over the summer. In August, they will make their proposals for grant recipients within the budget set by the foundation’s board.

Grants officially awarded in October

The foundation’s board of trustees will meet twice in the fall to assess the proposals and make final decisions on grant recipients. The foundation’s board, staff, and experts adhere to the foundation’s conflict of interest rules to ensure equality and fairness.

Applicants who have provided their email address will be informed of the grant decision in late September. In addition, grant recipients will receive an award letter in early October.

The foundation’s grants are officially awarded on October 9, 2024, the birthday of the foundation’s founder Antti Wihuri. After that, the list of grant recipients will be available on the foundation’s website.

Updates to grant applications

If you have submitted a grant application in the Wihuri Foundation’s spring 2024 call, please remember to promptly inform us of any significant updates related to the application – especially if you have received funging from elsewhere.

In the online service, you can report funding received from other sources or a change of mailing address, as well as attach certificates, financial statements, or other relevant documents that you have received after the application period ended. In the same service, you can also completely remove the application from the foundation’s review if you wish.