The Wihuri 5 – Céline Aludaat-Dujardin
Ph.D researcher
In October over 400 grant seekers working in research, art or societal activities were awarded with funding. During spring 2018, five of them will open up their thoughts, lives and work process for us. We will provide them with disposable cameras and a platform where they can document their process and speak up their mind. In this series, we are not focused on the end result but the process instead.
Part two of Céline’s video diary,
Published 1st March 2018
Trailer of Céline’s video diary for spring 2018,
Published 13th January 2018

Céline and her dog back home in France
Céline Aludaat-Dujardin is a French doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law of Helsinki. She lives permanently in Finland and dedicates her life to promoting an open debate on the legal and ethical framework surrounding the legal status of the human species and the human genome. She uses her research project entitled ‘Engineering the Human Species, Ethical, Legal and Anthropological Perspectives’ as well as academic teaching and media to raise important questions for future generations in Finland and abroad. The main sources of inspiration stem from the surrounding Finnish nature, as well as her discovery and understanding of Finnish culture, past and present. The monograph will serve as a basis for a documentary-essay or travelogue (‘à la Chris Marker’, Sunless, 1983) using a dialectic with the camera and with other protagonists (à la Jean Rouch, Edgar Morin, Chronicles of a Summer, 1961). The research work leads to see things through different perspectives. This imperative need to transcribe concepts visually comes from Céline’s passion for the cinematic art (‘Septième Art’).
Within the ‘Wihuri 5’ project, Céline will talk about her research life and ideals on a daily basis, recording herself with a camera, in different atmospheres. This will be the occasion to discover the realities of research life, the intellectual moves by which a researcher is led to investigate, think, re-appraise and achieve their goals. In this perspective, personal life often fuels the research work and leads to see things in a different perspective.